Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Monday, September 22, 2008

Blurry is good

Freaks and geeks

total nerds.

Check out Diego's little hands. He wasn't into the yoda backpack.

Yep, I went to Disneyland with the little ones. As did a million other visitors, especially the geeks and trash.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Free Love on the Free Love Freeway

A new obsession, Two Lane Blacktop. It has moved into my Top 10, maybe even Top 5 along with T. Malick. Perfect for my eyes. Its beautiful, James and Dennis are awkward and perfect, and the music, and the clothes (ascot alert!) and the hair - 1971 awesome. With the help of friends and this film, I can't stop listening to Pacific Ocean Blue. Thank you, Dennis and crew. If only I had my '69 Malibu and an early 70s sweet baby James on the passenger side.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Summer is not over

Pontooning at Lake Sonoma a few weekends ago. MEJ is right, I'm having a hard time letting go of summer...

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

We're a happy family. We're a happy family. Me, mom and dad.

Christmas Eve Brunch 1979. Mom mailed these two photos to me last week. A friend recently found them in her house and gave them to her. I love the leg next to dad. And I love the Ramones.